Publication Ethics and Policy

Publication Ethics

The journal agrees to act in accordance with the journal's open access policy, COPE criteria (Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE-Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors). If plagiarism, fabricated data, deliberate modification of data is detected in the articles submitted to the journal, the article will not be accepted, if it is in the publication process, it will be rejected, withdrawn, the authors will be asked to prove the data (analysis file, picture, experiment video, etc.), and if the ethical violation is confirmed, this situation will be officially notified to the author / s institution.

a. Ethical Responsibilities of the Editor(s)

1. The editor(s) has the responsibility of blind reviewing the manuscript submitted to the journal for publication, referring the manuscript back to the referees for second and third round evaluation, and acting in accordance with the ethical policies of the journal.

2. Editor(s) have the responsibility to detect unethical and unscientific behaviors such as plagiarism detection, data theft, deliberate modification of data. If necessary, they have the responsibility to ask the authors for proof of data (analysis file, picture, experiment video, etc.).

3. The editor(s) are responsible for keeping records of the similarity rate, copyright agreement, ethics committee report and e-mails with the author(s).

4. The editor(s) follow a transparent policy to ensure that the journal complies with scientific ethical principles, taking into account negative situations and complaints about the journal. They publicly announce the situations that require information on the journal's website.

5. When referee(s) use an aggressive, negative, offensive, insulting, humiliating and belittling style in their evaluations, the editor(s) has the responsibility to intervene and warn the referee(s) to use an academic style, to be positive, constructive and motivating.

b. Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers

1. Blind refereeing is applied for the articles sent by the editor(s) to the referees for evaluation. Referees cannot contact the author(s) directly.

2. While evaluating the article, the referees should do so in accordance with the principles of scientific ethics, impartiality and confidentiality.

3. Referee evaluations should not be made in an aggressive, negative, offensive, insulting and condescending language, but should be done in an academic style, in a level, respectful, positive and motivating manner.

4. Referees have the responsibility to notify the editor(s) when they detect unethical and unscientific behaviors such as plagiarism detection, data theft, deliberate modification of data.

5. Referees who accept the evaluation of the manuscript undertake to evaluate the manuscript within the time given to them. Referees who are unable to complete the evaluation of the article within the given period have the right to extend the article evaluation period.

c. Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

1. With the signing of the copyright transfer form by the author(s), they accept and declare that all responsibility for their articles belongs to them, and they accept and declare their responsibility for ethical and scientific issues that may arise with the publication of their articles.

2. The author(s) declare with the copyright transfer form that the article they have submitted has not been published anywhere else and that they have not submitted it to more than one journal at the same time.

3. Author/s should write and cite their articles in accordance with scientific and ethical principles.

4. Author(s) should not engage in unethical and unscientific behaviors such as plagiarism, data theft, deliberate modification of data. 5. When the editor(s) request proof of data (analysis file, picture, experiment video, etc.) from the authors, they have the responsibility to submit them.

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